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3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 6008/0001

3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 6008/0001

3M™ Dyneon™ Fluoroplastic PVDF 6008/0001 是一款挤出、注射成型纯度高的PVDF材料。

现货报价:185 5121 3137 谭经理

3M™ Dyneon™ Fluoroplastic PVDF 6008/0001
聚偏二氟乙烯 (PVDF)
3M Advanced Materials Division
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) is ideal for multiple applications across a wide array of industries. Widely used in the chemical process industry, wire and cable industry, semiconductor industry, and oil and gas industry, PVDF is also gaining recognition in automotive, building, electronics, pharmaceutical and batteries.
3M™ Dyneon™ PVDF 6008/0001 is easily processed under a variety of conventional thermoplastic conversion techniques, being particularly suitable for extrusion. PVDF 6008/0001 is inherently pure and chemically resistant against a variety of aggressive fluids and solvents. PVDF 6008/0001 exhibits excellent dimensional stability, abrasion resistance and high strength, and maintains its mechanical properties at elevated temperature.
Features and Benefits
•Excellent chemical resistance to a variety of aggressive fluids and solvents
•Smooth, anti-fouling surfaces
•Good permeation resistance
•Injection molding grade
•Excellent strength and dimensional stability
•Good color stability
材料特性:纯度高、高强度、抗溶剂、良好的颜色稳定性、耐化学品良好、耐磨损良好、High Dimensional Stability
物理性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
密度 1.78 g/cm³ ISO 1183
熔流率(熔体流动速率)     ASTM D1238
230℃/2.16 kg 8.0 g/10 min
230℃/5.0 kg 24 g/10 min
收缩率-流动 3.0 %  
吸水率(24 hr,23℃) < 0.040 % ISO 62
机械性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
抗张强度1     ASTM D638
屈服,23℃ 55.0 MPa
断裂,23℃ 42.0 MPa
伸长率1     ASTM D638
屈服,23℃ 7.0 %
断裂,23℃ 35 %
弯曲模量2(23℃) 2200 MPa ASTM D790
热性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
载荷下热变形温度     ASTM D648
0.45 MPa,已退火,4.00 mm 147
1.8 MPa,已退火,4.00 mm 112
熔融峰值温度 174 ASTM D3418
可燃性 额定值 单位制 测试方法
UL 阻燃等级 V-0   UL 94
极限氧指数(3.00 mm) 44 % ASTM D2863
150 mm/min
22.0 mm/min

3M™ Dyneon™ Fluoroplastic PVDF 6008/0001