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3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003

3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003

3M™ Dyneon™ Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003 是一款用于电线电缆,管件,绝缘材料的挤出级PVDF。

现货报价:185 5121 3137 谭经理

3M™ Dyneon™ Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003
聚偏二氟乙烯 (PVDF)
3M Advanced Materials Division
3M™ Dyneon™ PVDF 31508/0003 is a flexible copolymer of VF2 and CTFE, exhibiting very low shrinkage and excellent impact resistance. PVDF 31508/0003 also has a very low brittleness temperature, for excellent low temperature performance. This material is ideal for insulation and buffering materials for wire and cable applications and for tubing. PVDF 31508/0003 has excellent flame and smoke performance, with an LOI of 65. PVDF 31508/0003 is designed for high speed extrusion, and can be processed using a variety of conventional thermoplastic conversion techniques. As with all PVDF grades, PVDF 31508/0003 also possesses very good chemical and temperature resistance.
Features and Benefits
•Copolymer of VF 2 and CTFE
•Very low shrinkage rates
•Wide operating temperature window
•Processable using a variety of thermoplastic conversion techniques
•Excellent low flame and low smoke performance
材料特性:低烟度、高抗撞击性、共聚物、耐低温、耐化学品良好、耐热高、收缩性低、阻燃性、High Flexibility
物理性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
密度 1.76 g/cm³ ISO 1183
熔流率(熔体流动速率)     ASTM D1238
230℃/2.16 kg 5.0 g/10 min
230℃/5.0 kg 15 g/10 min
吸水率(24 hr,23℃) < 0.040 % ISO 62
机械性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
抗张强度1(断裂,23℃) 22.0 MPa ASTM D638
伸长率1(断裂,23℃) 480 % ASTM D638
弯曲模量2(23℃) 425 MPa ASTM D790
热性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
脆化温度 -37.0 ASTM D746A
熔融峰值温度 169 ASTM D3418
电气性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
表面电阻率3 > 1.0E+14 ohms ASTM D257
体积电阻率4(23℃) > 1.0E+14 ohms·cm ASTM D257
介电常数(1 MHz) 7.00   ASTM D150
可燃性 额定值 单位制 测试方法
UL 阻燃等级 V-0   UL 94
极限氧指数(3.00 mm) 65 % ASTM D2863
150 mm/min
22.0 mm/min
3Voltage <1V, after 2 Minutes - 500V
4Intensity = 10 mA, after 2 Minutes

3M™ Dyneon™ Fluoroplastic PVDF 31508/0003