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Teflon FEP CJ 95 - 科慕特富龙

Teflon FEP CJ 95 - 科慕特富龙

The Chemours Company Teflon® FEP CJ 95 聚全氟乙烯-丙烯树脂

现货报价:185 5121 3137 谭经理

Teflon® FEP CJ 95
The Chemours Company
For inventory control purposes product name may be followed by an X.
Products labeled FEP CJ 95 and FEP CJ 95 X are equivalent and all information in this document is applicable to both.
Typical Application
Insulation and jacket for Wire and Cable, in applications demanding a high degree of stress crack resistance. Tubes and piping for general and chemical process industry.
Teflon ™ FEP CJ 95 is a melt-processible copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and hexafluoropropylene, without additives, that meets the requirements of ASTM D 2116 Type I.
It offers the excellent combination of properties characteristic of Teflon ® fluoropolymer resins: non-ageing characteristics, chemical inertness, exceptional dielectric properties, low flammability, heat resistance, toughness and flexibility, low coefficient of friction, non-stick characteristics, negligible moisture absorption and excellent weather resistance. As an intermediate molecular weight resin Teflon ® FEP CJ 95 offers higher processing speeds than many FEP grades with similar high level of stress crack resistance.
Stress crack resistance is an important element in establishing end-use performance. Extensive testing of wire and cable constructions is required for definitive performance evaluation. Experience shows that the MIT folding endurance or flex life test, performed on a thin film of resin, has established a good correlation with extensive cable testing. The higher the MIT flex life, the higher the stress-crack resistance of the resin. MIT test results should be viewed as a guide to comparative performance of the various grades of resin. We recommend that for applications involving repeated thermal and flex cycling, specific tests on the final cable always should be undertaken. See also DuPont's bulletin "Grade selector for Wire and Cable applications".
材料特性:低摩擦系数、低吸湿性、高 ESCR(抗应力开裂)、良好的柔韧性、耐候性良好、耐化学品良好、耐热高、韧性良好、食品接触的合规性
物理性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
密度/比重 2.13 g/cm³ ASTM D792,ISO 1183
熔流率(熔体流动速率)(372°C/5.0 kg) 5.0 g/10 min ASTM D2116,ISO 12086
吸水率(24 hr) < 0.010 % ASTM D570
硬度 额定值 单位制 测试方法
肖氏硬度(邵氏 D) 56   ASTM D2240,ISO 868
机械性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
抗张强度(屈服,23°C) 28.0 MPa ASTM D638,ISO 12086
伸长率(断裂,23°C) 330 % ASTM D638,ISO 12086
冲击性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
悬壁梁缺口冲击强度(23°C) 无断裂   ASTM D256,ISO 180
热性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
连续使用温度1 205 °C  
熔融温度 260 °C ASTM D4591,ASTM D3418
电气性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法
0.250 mm,方法A(短时间) > 95 kV/mm ASTM D149
0.250 mm > 95 kV/mm IEC 60243-1
介电常数     ASTM D150,IEC 60250
1 kHz 2.03    
1.00 GHz 2.03    
耗散因数     ASTM D150,IEC 60250
1 kHz 5.0E-5    
1.00 GHz 8.0E-4    
可燃性 额定值 单位制 测试方法
UL 阻燃等级2 V-0   UL 94
极限氧指数 > 95 % ASTM D2863,ISO 4589-2
补充信息 额定值 单位制 测试方法
Critical Shear Rate(372°C) 20.0 sec^-1 内部方法
Guide DDR Range      
for cable extrusion 20.0 到 120    
for tubing extrusion 3.00 到 8.00    
MIT Folding Endurance - film(200.0 µm) 4.0E+4 Cycles ASTM D2176
1The continuous service temperature is based on accelerated heat-aging tests,and represents the temperature at which tensile strength and ultimate elongation retains 50% of the original values,after 20 000 h thermal aging When considering the use of Teflon ® FEP at elevated temperatures especially in combination with mechanical,electrical or chemical exposure,preliminary testing should be done to verify suitability.
2- These results are based on laboratory tests,under controlled conditions,and do not reflect performance under actual fire conditions.
- Current rating is a typical theoretical value
铁氟龙™ FEP 聚全氟乙丙烯
Teflon FEP